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updates made
April 3, 02~Redid my whole web page. I also added the daily cartoon. I can now call it my humble abode =)

Aug.24~Added a review to a show I went to. The review for the show is on the Home Page underneath the info for the show. This is where I'm going to be putting the reviews for shows I go to. If the shows get too numerous (which they probably won't), I shall make a whole different part just for reviews...but until then, this is what you got.

Aug.22~Added a Custom Page where you can read songs and poems that I have written. Go here please...I need alot of feedback!
Added a quiz to my about page.
check it out!!

Aug.21~Put in a new guestbook that I can actually VIEW without signing the guestbook myself! YES!

Aug.14~finished links page and picture page.
added a page about me and competely finished it.
started this what's new page.

what's been going on

April 2, 02~Brandon came and hung out with me today. We went to the mall. We went into Gadzooks and we saw these fuzzy jackets, and I started making fun of them, saying they were gay. Then I tried this black and white one on, and I looked really good in it. I said that I wanted it but that I didn't have any money. Being the exceptionally nice boyfriend that he is, Brandon bought the jacket for me for an early birthday present. He's so nice. But I tried to get him to not buy it for me as much as possible. Then I spoke with the girl that checked our stuff out at the desk and I told her about this whole incident I had with the gay guy that works there. It happened last weekend. I was buying underwear...ok, and Big Mike was behind me trying on these big green Elton John-looking sunglasses. I turned around and told him that he looked like Elton John and that he looked really gay. The gay guy who was checking my stuff out said "I hate it when people are like that, it pisses me off" I was thinking 'Gay people are nice, why is this one mean?!' Then I was kind of upset for the rest of the night. So today I told this girl about it, and she said that he was really sensitive. Well we left the store and we saw Laura Ellwood in front of the store. We talked to her, and while we were standing there, the gay guy motioned me to come over to him. He then apologized for everything that happened before. Then I apologized for offending him. I really didn't mean to. Then we kept walking around the mall until I decided to steal something from Spencer's. Then we went outside and some girl asked me if we were "LOOKING for anything". We told her no. Sick boy Karl was there and he was talking to me. Then for a kick I told Brandon to ask her what she has. She said "I have whatever you want." Then we got picked up. We drove him to Dominion later. Then I got online and had a match of Silly Goose vs. Megan ROUND 4! We didn't finish the match though, so we have to finish it some other day. Then I watched The Osbournes. Then I watched TV until 2am and then went to sleep.

Dec.24~Monday~Christmas Eve~I was happy eariler today, but it went downhill from there. I saw Joey and Josh and Jim and Lisa and Dave. I helped wrap some presents. I recieved 2 presents from Joey and Josh. I got online and all hell broke loose. I won't mention what happened, but at the end of the night, I DO know that my brain was hurting from all the confusion. Oh how I wish I could breath again...

Dec.17~Monday~Jesus Christo! I haven't been online let alone on here in 20,000 years. Oh well, such is life. One of the reasons is because my mom and step dad found out about my drug doings and suicide attempts and mental problems and sent me away to psych ward for awhile. I was in in-patient (24 hour a day in the hospital), and now I am in out-patient (8 hours a day I go to the same hospital but I come home at night). It's better that going to school, I can tell you that much. I met some really cool people while I was in in-patient. I had to go to an AA and NA meeting. The NA meeting was cooler than the AA meeting because it seems like drug addicts are more interesting than alcoholics. That's just my opinion though. I met this cool goth chic named Hope. I also met Marcella, Katie, and Kat. They were all really nice. I also met Dan. Now Dan is a little on the weird side, but I really like his personality. He's a really good person. I am now on two medications: Topimax and Risperidol. It turns out that I have major depression and bipolar disorder. Figures. I've been saying that I have bipolar disorder all along. Oh well. I think I shall be leaving right now. I have more work to do.

Sept.1~Saturday~Went to sleep at 4am, woke up at 1pm. I was on the internet, when someone came in my back door. I assumed it was my hick cousin Dusty, because he always just walks in. But I went into the hall to say hello...and it was Alex. He was all happy to see me. While he was getting a drink, he informed me that Jim and Ricky were outside talking to my step dad. Then he said that he was sorry that I was grounded. I told him that I wasn't, blah blah blah. We talked for awhile, and then we went outside. Right when I emerged from the house, Jim started singing his "Megan and her cow pants" song, because I was still in my PJs. I asked my stepdad why he told Alex that I was grounded, and why wasn't I the first to be informed. Turns out that my mom said I couldn't go anywhere today because I got home late, and he interpreted that as me being grounded. No...if I was grounded, I think I would know. When I get grounded...I get GROUNDED...for months on end. I didn't plan on doing anything today anyway. Then Alex and I jumped on my trampoline and almost killed each other. Then they had to leave for the show (that I was supposed to go to...but oh well). Ricky was actually nice to me...I thought he recently developed a problem with me. Then after they left, mah neighbah Joey, me, and my mom went to the pet store to buy another ferret. She's cute! I named her Dinavviah. So now I have 3 ferrets...the others are named Davinah and Damien. hehe. Then my family and my neighbor's family went to a funky chinese food place for dinner. Joey ate some weird octopus thing. I came home. I talked to Jizm on ICQ. He said that it's good that I didn't go to the show, cuz it sucked. Then I talked to JR, Dave, Brendan, and Arin in a little chat thing. I got into a fight with Arin. I just told her that she needs to learn to deal with the fact that her ex Jamie has friends. Then she all went off on me and stuff. Then she said that it was my fault that we were arguing in the first place. People are stupid...we more or less fixed it, though.

Aug.31~Friday~Went to school of course. Was given homework, as usual. I learned some freaky stuff in French. LOL it's easier than Latin! Anyway, after school got out, Jim showed up at the school and was talking to me for about half an hour about the show tomorrow..when he was going to pick me up, etc, and whether he can give Ian a ride or not. Then I started riding my bike home when it started raining...major rain. I had fun though. Second day in a row when I came home soaking wet. Then about 10 minutes after I got home, here comes Jim again. I think he showed up to say that Alex couldn't go to the show with him tonight, but that Alex still wants jim to go 3 hours out of his way to drive him somewhere tomorrow after the show. YEA...I think he's an ass. Then Jim was talking about the show tonight, and happened to mention that Bridget was going, and my stepdad was like "bridget is going?!" So...he changed his mind about letting me go to the show. So, I left with Jim with ten dollars from my stepdad in my pocket...I was still soaked from the rain. We went and picked up Nathan from downtown, and we stopped by Pizza Slut to pick up Melody. We dropped them off at Melody's apartment and we went and ran a few errands. We went by Jim's house. I called Chris, he was sleeping and had plans that night. I called Ian, and on the second try, I got ahold of him. He had band practice that night, so he couldn't go to the show after all. Then we headed back to Melody's apartment, and she answered the door crying. I hugged her...she said that they couldn't go because things were all going wrong. So, it was just Jim and I. We got to Royal Lee and found out the the show was going to start 2 hours late...at 9pm. So, we chilled awhile. I met Jim's friend Dustin. I though he was gay at first...but he's not at all. He's 19 and he's never had a girlfriend. He likes me...hehe. I think he's really nice...and cute too =). Overprivileged played first. They kicked ass as usual. The only other band I saw was Daycare Swindlers. I was hanging out behind the place with Stephanie, Bridget, Alethia, and Dustin for most of the night. Talked to Scott more than I did at the last show. I bought an OP cd and a Daycare shirt. Got a free DCS sticker. We left around 2am. Got lost. Got home around 3:45am. Blah blah blah, got cussed at from my mom...until she found out the reason of why I was late. Then I went to sleep around 4am. It was a good night.

Aug.30~Thursday~SORRY SCOTT!!!! I haven't been able to get on here for very long the past few days cuz I have homework...and lots of it. And my life hasn't been very interesting lately anyways. Today was a major storm...it rained and hailed. It was fun!!! I've been doing all of my homework..which is good. And that's about it. I won't be able to update this everyday..just when I have the time. For now, I'm off!

Aug.27~Monday~Woke up at 6am...I swear that I haven't been up that early in about....10,000 years. I wasn't tired though. Walked to school...and there were little freshmen all over the place! It was funny. I talked to Jamie, and he said that he can be the bassist in my band. Talked to Alex...he says that he's not a nazi. I don't believe him though because he will tell me anything to keep me as his friend. In English, I talked to Steven about being our drummer...he said no. He said he's too lazy to do anything anymore. Oh well...I'll find someone else. So right now I have two guitarists, and a bassist. I need a singer and a drummer. hmmmm....School was ok until I got up to Chemistry. We had to read something from the book, and I guess my mind wasn't ready for information yet, because I just sat there staring at the pages. I was the last one to finish reading...I felt so retarded. lol, oh well. I understand it now...I think. Tons of people sat with me and Bridget at lunch...I'm surprised. AND...Alex did not wait for me after school like he said he would. He's a stupid nazi...Stopped by at Jason's new apartment. Thick Mike, Hillary, Naked Boy, and Ricky were there. Then I left and ate some ice cream from Handy Mart. Came home...did homework. Now I am on here...

to know me is a sin...