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welcome, my little ones!

This site has just recently been developed, and is in better condition than what it was before. It is now completely finished, so please feel free to take a look at my life. Have fun!
**Go to the Custom Page to read songs and poems written by me. I need lots of please read them.**

This site was created on August 3, 2001 at 12:30 at night. As you can tell, I think the band AFI totally kicks ass. Another thing you have learned about me is that I'm a night person. All of this you have learned within one paragraph. Just think how much more you can learn in a whole web page~

shows, gigs, and things
Aug. 24th
Jamie General Coffee Bean
Centreville, VA
(703) 815-8150
Left Unsaid
The Overprivileged
I actually made it to this show! This was only the 3rd show that I've been to...and not one show yet has disappointed me. I mainly went to see Overprivileged play, to hang with Scott, and to see if I liked any of the other bands that were there. All the band members were cool shit. Plan 15 played first. They are good stuff. I got 2 free stickers from them. They're nice. Then Left Unsaid played. I swear my heart stopped beating during the whole time they played. They were fucking awesome! And the drummer...oh my fucking god...he was one of the best drummers I've seen. But don't let that discourage you, Scott, because I shall mention you in a minute! Anyway, I got a free cd from Left Unsaid. I picked up a flyer for a show in Vienna on the 8th (?) at the Teen Center (where I went when Karl tried to kill us all in the car crash). I also got an Overprivileged sticker, and 2 postcards. Funny shit. Then...dun dun dunnnnn....*drumroll please*...Overprivileged played. Surprisingly all the songs they played I've heard before. And during one of the songs, Scott's drum set seat thing fell over, so he had to use a drum as a seat. was funny, but he pulled it off. And when he had to play on the drum he was sitting on, he stood up. I swear if I was in a band and that happened to me I wouldn't have saved it like that. Good job, Scott. So, all in all it was a good show. Thanks to everyone that was there =)

Royal Lee Bar and Grill
Arlington, VA
The Overprivileged
Daycare Swindlers
Flinch (they were there, but they broke up, so they didn't play)
Die Cheerleader Die
Red Angel Dragnet (Richmond, VA)
Graveyard School (NJ)
**I'm handing out flyers for this show, so if you would like one, just ask.**
This was a last minute thing. I found out that I could go to this show about half an hour before Jiam was going to leave town. The show started two hours late...9pm. Overprivileged played first. They were kick ass as usual. I talked to Scott more this time than at the last show. I bought one of their cds. I ACTUALLY HAD MONEY THIS TIME!!! I don't know who played after that, because I was hanging out with people outside. I saw Daycare Swindlers too. They played last. I think I liked them better the first time I saw them...the first show I ever went to at Spanky's. Still, they were really good. I moshed during some songs. I really couldn't stay in there too long or I would die alot. I made sure to mosh during their last song. It's weird...Noah doesn't like Rambo Cop, but they played it. I wonder why he doesn't like it...I think it's good...hmmm. Anyway, I bought a shirt from them, and I got a free sticker. Talked to Scott a little more, and gave him a hug goodbye. I was really tired for some odd reason. And my whole body was aching. I kept falling asleep when we were driving home...and we got lost. It was a great show...especially for only my 4th show. I hope to go to more =)

Overprivileged upcoming shows:

Daycare Swindlers upcoming shows:

some may wonder, but none shall ask
What is going on in my life? Wouldn't you like to know...
You could always go to What's New to find out, but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? I will summarize the events that are in What's New right here for you. So, if you read this and assume that nothing good is in What's New at the moment, then you don't have to go through the extra hassle to find out that it's total crap. See? I care about you guys...I wouldn't want you to waste TOO much of your life here....

Go to What's New to find out what I have been doing for the past...while. It's interesting =). No...really...I don't think it is, but you can try it anyway.
Aug.27~first day of school
Aug.30~haven't been on in awhile...
Aug.31~random Jizm and bowing down once again to the greatness of a thing called a punk show.
Sept.1~new ferret, nazis, and chinese fooood
Dec.17~drugs and crazy people in one sitting
Dec.24~bad Christmas Eve
April 2, 02~happy mall time and silly geese

post a message in The Forum

well then...
Must I ask the horrible question..."Do you like this site"? I guess so, because I just did. As you can see, this site is all about punk music, and myself. You can check back here every once in awhile to check out some local shows of some kick ass bands. Fuckin A right, man.

I will also notify all when I hear of a good band...whether local or not. Or, you can seek some yourself at (check my links page for more info)

you are punk #:

Shall you e-mail me, or shall you die?

the worst has yet to come....